Complete Instructions for Writing a Math Doctoral Thesis

Ph.D. math students should submit their thesis to the university, before they received the approval from main college of mathematics. The doctoral thesis in math should also be submitted to the dean of the faculty after it is very carefully reviewed with the members of the committee.

However, in order to be approved, a math doctoral thesis should follow particular format explained below. Of course, the format might not be completely the same, since different faculties have different requirements, but generally there is one scheme that should be followed. Check for your faculty requirements for a doctoral dissertation in math though.

What a math doctoral paper should include?

  1. A blank sheet of paper comes at the beginning of every dissertation
  2. Title page – You have to include the title of the math dissertation, the year and the month of graduating, the name of the author, the name of the mentor, the institution where you graduated and the institution where you are handing the document. Usually, every faculty have different requirements, regarding font and spacing.
  3. Page with signatures – Members of the committee, the Dean of the College and the student must be signed in this page. There should be minimum one sample with the original signatures.
  4. Foreword or Acknowledgements – This is optional page. You thank to everyone who helped you in the process.
  5. Title page of the abstract – It shows the year and the month of your graduation.
  6. Abstract – A summary of the whole document. Usually no longer than 350 words.
  7. Table of contents – All the content of the doctoral dissertation should be included here with the exact names of the headings and subheadings throughout the text.
  8. List of tables, figures, acronyms, schemes, abbreviations, etc. with the page number they are in the thesis, but it is optional. You have to include all the tables, charts, figures into the text.
  9. Text – Be careful when writing the text, it has to be consistent and paged in Arabic numerals.
  10. Appendices – This is the place where you should explain methods, tables, and other additional information that is not included in the text.
  11. Bibliography or references – You have to include books, web sites and everything you used for your dissertation at the end of the document. You can write references for each chapter separately at the end of every chapter, but some colleges do not allow this type.
  12. Blank page

All other requirements regarding margins, spacing, font type, font size, pagination, titling for a math doctoral dissertation vary from institution to institution. You have to consult your mentor in order to meet the requirements of the institution.


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